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Yes, we can change our behaviors

But only if we want to

It’s probably no surprise that distracted driving is a contributing factor in developing unsafe driving behaviors, but that’s just part of the problem. Distractions, especially those we create, are considered risky driving behaviors, but those risky behaviors are not limited to the distractions we create. 


There are many factors that contribute to the development of unsafe driving behaviors. Dangerous driving behaviors also include speeding, aggressive driving, frequent lane changing, improper turns, following too closely, rubbernecking, running red lights, and the list goes on. Some are actually instigated by other drivers on the road. In the end, unsafe driving habits are the result of choices we make. 

Like most other things, people tend to mimic the actions of others around them including competitive and dangerous driving behaviors. Even the most experienced drivers can develop unsafe driver behaviors.

While this sounds like a problem, drivers can just as easily be taught that safe driving behavior is normal.


Can we change those behaviors?  Yes, but only if you understand the importance for change, understand and care about the consequences of dangerous driving behaviors, have a true desire to change and most important, the willpower to change.  Real change does not happen overnight. It requires a commitment and a methodical approach. 

We've provided a simple exercise you can do when thinking about change.  This tool can help you realize the need, understand the importance and give you motivation to make the commitment to change. You can repeat this exercise for other behaviors your want to change.  The results will most likely be very similar and you will see a trend - the benefits of changing outweigh the benefits of not changing.

First, select a behavior you want to change.
Next, think about and write down the benefits and costs of changing in the left column.

Then, think about and write down the benefits and costs of continuing current behaviors in the right column. 

Finally, compare your entries in both columns and ask yourself, 'are the costs worth it?'

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